Monday, June 13, 2016

There Is Something Good

We live in such a crazy time. 

So many people are coming forward with different beliefs, religions, lifestyles, and cultures. 

It's a beautiful thing to watch people grow to love and understand themselves.....

How lucky are we to live during a time where we can witness such beauty. 

Unfortunately, there is a presence of ugliness as well. 

I guess that's how it works though right? 

I mean how often have we looked at another person and said, "wow, she's gorgeous. I hate her." 

It sounds harsh doesn't it...?

And maybe I'm the only one guilty of saying this..

And if I am... 


I'm working on it. 

But isn't it interesting that our minds have been trained to react that way? 

To immediately get defensive as soon as anyone is different than us or in some way makes us question ourselves? 

Wouldn't it be better to take a step back and evaluate who we are and what we stand for?


I hope we can eventually become safe places for each other. 

I hope we can come to love and accept people for who they are, not who they affiliate with. 

There is so much darkness in the world, but I just have to believe that there is more good than bad out there. 

Even if that means I'm counting flower petals or picking the marshmallows out of lucky charms. 


Light follows darkness.

Love overpowers hate. 

We are the tomorrow. 

Rise with the sun, my babes. 

Xoxoxo 💕💕💕

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