Today a girl I knew committed suicide. Everyone was shocked. She seemed so happy and was always kind.
I didn't know her very well, but she did a photo shoot for me and she was extremely talented.
I got to thinking, where is the line? Where is the point that you just can't take it anymore?
When is the time to get help? When do you try to push through?
Where is the breaking point and what causes it?
I don't know the answers to these questions, but I know that in no way do I ever want to be a part of someone's breaking point. I never want to be the one to say or do the thing that pushes them over the edge. I never want harsh words I have spoken to be the last thing they hear.
It is so important that we are kind. Why do we feel the need to tear others down so low when in the end we just end up lower?
We have no idea what anyone is going through. All we know is what they choose to show us. And usually that's only the tip of the iceberg.
It's amazing how those that seem like the happiest people really have the saddest hearts.
I challenge all of you to be the turning point in someone's life. Turn them away from that breaking point. Sometimes all it takes is a simple smile, or even a "hey."
But if you ask how someone is doing, take a second and really listen to the reply. Show that you care and that you are there. Help them find reasons to turn away from the painful shattering end of the breaking point.
My friend was truly amazing and my heart and love goes out to her family and friends. I cannot imagine what they are going through.
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